
Explore Wellness

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The Glass House’s Restorative Christmas Gift Guide

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your Christmas gift to a loved one could avoid the trap of expendable consumerism? If instead of a gadget that keeps them tethered to a stressful world, you could give an experience that helps them relax, recharge and reconnect with things that really matter? A gift of wellness, health, transformation and positive change....

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Top wellbeing benefits of a Scandinavian Sauna at the Glass House Retreat

In our hectic lives it’s hard to find a time and place to pause, breathe deeply and really reconnect. And colder weather can somehow make us our bodies feel even more tense. It’s time then to take some tips from the Scandinavians and turn to saunas to reap wellness benefits during those long, dark winter months...

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My short stay experience at The Glass House Retreat

What is it like staying at the Glass House Retreat? Well, it’s impossible not to relax, everything is so soothing, but delivered with exceptional care. It's casual but professional and welcoming. There are many solo travellers, male and female, as well as small groups of friends. All body types and fitness levels will feel at home. Meals are communal and everyone chats to you and shares their...

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Wellness with Glass House Alternative Therapies

Not long ago in the alcoves of human history, the thought of a surgeon completing open heart or brain surgery was fantastical. The same can be said for the array of pills now available. There’s a pill for everything, or so it feels. All we must do is visit our GP for a few minutes, get our appraisal, and walk away with a blister pack. Job done. Or is it?...

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Meditation VS Mindfulness | Know the Difference

What’s meditation? What’s mindfulness? Vague social posts claiming enlightenment are, usually, unenlightening. Disingenuous or not, we could all do with being in the moment and clearing our minds. However, it’s good to know what’s what. ...

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Veganism May Become Standard

Besides the obvious benefits to our environment and animal welfare, choosing a vegan or plant-based diet might be the healthier option in life...

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Love Your Body: Escape From Unrealistic Ideals

How do you feel about your body? If truth be told, most of us suffer from insecurities about the way we look and the shape of our bodies. Why is this? Well, if we never saw another human, we’d feel totally fine. The issue comes from unrealistic beauty and body standards...

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Embrace a New Lifestyle, Your 2021 Health Reset

We’re simply not eating what we should or exercising enough. And to make things worse, Coronavirus has exacerbated any bad habits we had before...

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Womans Yoga Retreat

Easing Menopause Symptoms with Healthy Lifestyle Choices

For every woman there comes a time during her midlife when menopause arrives. This can show itself in many ways and can differ between women. Some women experience it more intensely than others.  Don’t worry though, if you’re having a tough time with menopause there are lifestyle changes you can make which could help...

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6 Crucial Reasons Veganism is Environmental

Never an Easier Time to Eat Green In the recent past, being a non-meat eater was smirked at. It was divergent from the norm. Now veganism, vegetarianism, and plant-based diets are common and growing exponentially as people wake up to realities of eating meat and dairy.Together we can work towards a safer, greener, healthier, and more animal friendly planet...

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